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Register for 2023 Virtual Personal and
Professional Development Summer Series

Greetings Parent/Legal Guardian:


We are delighted that you are interested in enrolling your teenager in our exciting program taught by youth development, education and image professionals. Because space is limited, and classes fill up quickly, we strongly advise you to fill out and sign the enclosed application and photo waiver forms, and return them immediately.


The program will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, and Thursday, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, June 26, 2022 through August 25, 2023. Zoom links will be provided via email prior to each class.


Because the Evoluer Personal and Professional Development Summer Series is designed to inspire a positive self-image, professional performance and personal development in teenage girls, students are only allowed to have two excused or unexcused absences from classes or two late arrivals (arrive to class more than 10 minutes late). Any student with more than two absences or late arrivals will be immediately dropped from the program. Any student, who drops out of an Evoluer House program before it ends, will not be eligible to register for any future Evoluer House programs. If you feel that your teen will be unable to commit to this attendance and punctuality requirement, please do not register her. The program continuously garners a waiting list of enthusiastic parents, who want their daughters to attend our life-enriching learning experience.


You are required to attend the summer 2023 Parent Orientation Session on June 23rd in order for your teen to participate in this program. Information about the Parent Orientation Session will be emailed to you upon your teen’s acceptance into the summer program. Parents and students MUST attend this session so that they are well informed about the program their teen will be attending. No teen will be permitted to participate in the summer program unless a parent is present at the June 23 orientation session.


The program is free of charge for those who meet the income guidelines detailed below:

Household size          |          Maximum yearly household income is:

1                                     |            $12,880

2                                     |            $17,420

3                                     |            $21,960

4                                     |            $26,500

5                                     |            $31,040

6                                     |            $35,580


All others will pay a nominal fee of $500 to cover costs associated with career assessment technology, grooming kits, a textbook, a tee shirt and a bag. Only money orders made payable to: The Evoluer House will be accepted. No checks, please. The registration fee is non-refundable, non-transferable.


Tuition payments can also be made online at (Click the ‘donate’ button. Be sure to write ‘tuition’ and the student’s full name in the payment notation box so that your payment can be credited accordingly.) You can also pay your tuition by credit card by calling our office (215-592-8988).


If you presume your family will qualify for Free Tuition, your application must email a copy of two of the following documents to Myla Thomas at:, for the Income Verification Process:

  • A copy of your two most recent pay stubs for all working adults in the household and a 2022 Federal Income Tax Return

  • 2022-2023 School Free or Reduced Lunch Qualification Form

  • TANF, Food Stamps, SSI, Medicaid, and/or CHIP Award Documents

  • Any other Public/Government Benefit Award Documents

  • Notarized Employment Verification Document


IMPORTANT NOTE: Both the registration form, the photo waiver and the release form MUST be completed, signed by a parent or legal guardian and returned by our Deadline of June 23, 2023 by 5:00pm, along with Proof of Household Income Documents (for those who qualify for free tuition) or your $500 tuition payment. You will receive a confirmation letter to confirm acceptance into the program upon receipt of the aforementioned documents or tuition payment.


** Incomplete or incorrect registration forms will be rejected. **


Questions? Feel free to email Program Coordinator Myla Thomas at:

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