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Give a hand to the girls that need it the most.


Empower Girls of Color
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"I would like to share exciting news that I have received a full scholarship to attend Spelman College in the fall. Thank you Evoluer House for giving me the opportunity to be a student and teacher assistant at your organization. My experience working with the director, the staff and young ladies at Evoluer has added value to my admission application, which allowed me to receive the Bonner Scholarship. I appreciate everything you have done for me." - Aliyah


Bachelor's Degree, Pre-Med, Spelman College

"I had the opportunity to be part of this beautiful program. I learned to be confident, to be strong, and to develop skills that I never imagined I had. I came from Puerto Rico at the age of 13 due to hurricane Maria. I didn’t know the language, culture, or people in the U.S. However, at the Evoluer program graduation, I earned the Power Girl Award and Class Representative Award. The Evoluer program made me realize the value of my voice and how many wonderful things I would be able to do in this world. I truly recommend it for all the Black, Brown, Latina, Asian, White, and any kind of girls out there." - Jennielee

As a graduate of Villanova University with a major in global studies and Arab and Islamic interdisciplinary studies, Jamilah says, "The tools and values Evoluer House has instilled in me have only grown more apparent. And I am grateful to have been, and still be, an Evoluer Girl, as well as a 2019 Fulbright scholar."

Hundreds of girls in Philadelphia and

across the United States say 'Thank You'

Please consider supporting us in the areas listed below. The Evoluer House is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible (EIN/Tax ID number: 76-0849773).


We could not exist without you. Thank you.



You can make a secure donation to The Evoluer House by clicking on the "donate" button below. 

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The Evoluer House

is GuideStar

Gold Certified!



Make checks payable to: The Evoluer House. Mail your donation to:
The Evoluer House
104 Church Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106


To donate by phone via credit card, please call us on: 215-592-8988.



You can also support The Evoluer House through the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey during your company's annual campaign. Our Donor Option number is: 47888. Simply write that number on your United Way pledge form.



Many companies have matching gift programs through which they will match the charitable contributions made by their employees. Through corporate gift matching, your employer can double, and sometimes even triple, your gift to The Evoluer House.


Please check with your Human Resources office, and ask for the proper form to request that your company match your gift to The Evoluer House.



The Evoluer House seeks contributions of goods or services that can benefit the organization and the girls we serve. Receiving donations of goods or services may provide budget relief that can free up already assigned funding which may then be used to provide programming for more girls. See Our Wish List here! Donate an item on list.

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